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Spice v0.13-alpha (May 20, 2024)

· 4 min read
Jack Eadie
Token Plumber at Spice AI

The v0.13.0-alpha release significantly improves federated query performance and efficiency with Query Push-Down. Query push-down allows SQL queries to be directly executed by underlying data sources, such as joining tables using the same data connector. Query push-down is supported for all SQL-based and Arrow Flight data connectors. Additionally, runtime metrics, including query duration, collected and accessed in the spice.runtime.metrics table. This release also includes a new FTP/SFTP data connector and improved CSV support for the S3 data connector.


  • Federated Query Push-Down (#1394): All SQL and Arrow Flight data connectors support federated query push-down.

  • Runtime Metrics (#1361): Runtime metric collection can be enabled using the --metrics flag and accessed by the spice.runtime.metrics table.

  • FTP & SFTP data connector (#1355) (#1399): Added support for using FTP and SFTP as data sources.

  • Improved CSV support (#1411) (#1414): S3/FTP/SFTP data connectors support CSV files with expanded CSV options.